Mar 8, 2023
Today on the podcast we have Erica Rooney an executive coach and consultant, Chief People Officer, C-Suite "whisperer", wife, mom, entrepreneur, and fitness fanatic. She is on a mission to help anyone to break out of their sticky floors and bust through the glass ceiling, to live a life filled with purpose, passion,...
Mar 1, 2023
Today on the podcast is Karen Hite, co-founder of Hite Digital. They are changing the way Digital Marketing is done. Their Franchise model has allowed them to improve the lifestyle of agency owners by providing all the tools, knowledge, systems and resources so they can focus on what they love most: connecting with...
Jan 18, 2023
On this episode of Decision Point Brad is talking with Bob about how to manage sales teams individually based on personality styles. Bob is the President at OPUS Productivity Solutions focusing on Performance, Productivity and Profitability Through People.